Top 5 Things You Can Do to Market Your Business in 2021

Now that we have bid farewell to 2020, it is important to remain optimistic about the months ahead. Savvy business owners are looking forward to increasing their customer base by redesigning their internet-based marketing approaches to make sure they are stimulating and engaging.

To ensure your 2021 marketing campaign breathes fresh life into your business, adopt these surefire strategies.

1. Wish your loyal customers a “Happy New Year!” Sending out a personalized email greeting to past customers is a clever way to stay top of mind. Including a discount coupon within the email campaign will let them know how much you appreciate them and compel the recipient to revisit your business and encourage them to reconnect.    

2. Create a robust social media presence. Considering the many platforms available, the sky’s the limit! Designing the ultimate marketing campaign requires more than one stage, so you can effectively deliver interesting updates about your business via blogging, vlogging, and live streaming. Vlogs and live streaming sessions will add a personal touch to your business because they allow customers to “meet” you and feel comfortable about doing business with you. Furthermore, blogs and vlogs are easily shareable, so your customers can let others know about you and your business.

3. Be a solutions person. As an expert, your customers are interested in what you have to say, so give them what they want by inviting them to participate in educational webinars and live streamed question-and-answer sessions. These methods serve a dual purpose. Not only are you giving people the opportunity to interact with you one-on-one, you are getting to know your customers on a deeper level. Don’t be surprised when you gain a bunch of new followers!

4. Dance to the beat of your own drum, but let your audience control the volume. It’s important to develop a touchpoint rhythm with your customers. However, there’s a fine line between being informative and being annoying. A solution to this conundrum is to simply ask customers if they prefer to receive your news and updates on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Once you have this information, you can place your customers into timeframe subgroups, then create email campaigns according to these contact “comfort zones.” This technique is a win-win situation. allows you to engage with them on a personal level while gaining their permission to send them information, which is a win-win situation!  

5. Update and enhance your social media profiles. Promoting your business is necessary but promoting yourself is just as important, if not more so. At the end of the day, people like doing business with other people more than they do faceless brands. Redesign your profile to include places you’ve lived and locations you’ve visited, hobbies you enjoy, the latest book you’ve read, and other interesting tidbits. Revealing your human side will help people identify with you.

Considering the many businesses that collapsed in recent months, 2021 feels frighteningly uncertain to many business owners. Regardless, some things in the business world will always remain the same. For example, growing a healthy business will always be centered upon retaining current customers and attracting new ones, and you will be able to reap the rewards once you implement the above marketing techniques.

Remember to have confidence in your product and abilities. There’s a reason your business survived 2020, and now’s the time to take it to the next level.

If your business needs a marketing plan that’s sturdy and lucrative, Higgins Marketing Group can help. Contact us for a pressure-free chat about the techniques and trade secrets that will help you thrive in the months ahead. Not sure yet? Check out our work and let us know when you’re ready.