Great Sales Copy – Your Key to Converting Website Visitors Into Paying Customers
Assuming you’d like to grow your business, the content on your company’s website should have one primary goal. It must transform a website visitor into a buyer (or at least a sales lead). The wording used, the style, and the layout of your website all combine to create a connection with your reader, one that hopefully leads them down the path to become your next customer. Yet, many times, landing pages and website homepages lack the proper ingredients to make this happen.
HubSpot (and a slew of other folks) point out that more than half of your visitors will spend less than 15 seconds on your website before going somewhere else. That gives you only seconds to make a great impression and secure their interest.
You’re on the clock!
In this post, I’d like to offer a few ideas to make the most of that 15 seconds – and assuming we can get them to stay past that point, increase your probability of turning that visitor into a real opportunity to grow your business!
#1: Focus on Your Headlines
Most people skim through websites. They don’t read long-winded paragraphs. Headlines in big, bold letters get visitor attention. This is what they’ll see first and, as a result, react to. Remember this – 70% of people who visit just scan your page and never read it.
Take a minute right now (seriously… stop reading for a second and do this), and head to your company website. Take just 10-15 seconds to scan your homepage. Then ask yourself: 1) Do I clearly “get it?”, 2) Did it pull me in? 3) Would I be excited to dig deeper? If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” you’ve got some opportunity to improve. NOTE: an even better version of this activity is to get someone outside your company to do this. Their view is usually a more accurate view of how most visitors react to your site.
#2: People Love Numbers
Incorporate statistics, numbers, and data into your website and landing pages. Your goal here is to carefully use figures to make your point. People trust numbers and they want facts. This helps to build credibility with your website and your company. Like anything, however, too much of a good thing can be… well… too much! Use your judgement but don’t go overboard.
#3: Content Matters
I can’t tell you the number of websites we’ve seen that lack quality content. We’ve all seen them… sites that have been written by the company’s technical experts that tell me EVERYTHING about a product except what I want to know most – HOW IT BENEFITS ME. Or… what about the sites that are obviously using keyword stuffing in order to improve search engine rankings? Things like “If you are looking for a commercial printer in Dallas, we are the best commercial printer in Dallas according to lots of folks who use commercial printers in Dallas” – UGHH
What you say matters! Take the time to produce quality content – content that educates, connects with, and motivates your visitors.
#4: Use Images
As powerful as text can be, people are visual. Aim for a balance between compelling copy and powerful images and illustrations. Images illicit knee-jerk emotional reactions that can help set a desired tone for your brand, so don’t just grab the first stock image you find. Instead, give serious thought to how your images support your content, and the feeling these images associate with your brand. I can go deeper here – but I think the point is best made by a trip to They are MASTERS of the visuals. If 30 seconds on Apple’s site doesn’t make you a believer in the power of imagery, nothing will.
#5: Make It Emotional
I’ve touched on this briefly, but it’s a biggie. Aim to form an emotional connection with your reader. You have to understand their problem, want to help them, sympathize, and provide a solution. Using emotion and personality in your content helps the reader to know you’re a real person and someone they can relate to (pretty psyched as I write this… made a note to do a post just on this topic!).
#6: Use Testimonials
We are social. It’s just part of being human. We put a value on what other people say. That’s why it’s critical that you NOT BE SHY about asking for testimonials and reviews, and NOT BE LAX about featuring these both on and off your website. You’ve worked hard for these precious words. You owe it to your business to put them to good use.
#7: Include a Call to Action (Duh…)
Well, actually it’s NOT such a “duh” statement. I’m continually surprised by the number of sites that leave visitors hanging, or leave them searching for a way to take the next step. It’s crazy! Trust me, without a VERY PROMINENT AND SPECIFIC call to action; your visitor doesn’t know what you want them to do. Should they provide their info for a quote, call you for a free consult, or purchase your product? Always include a call-to-action and always make sure it’s as simple and clear as possible – THEN, go back and make it simpler and clearer :).
Here’s to converting more of your visitors and growing your business!
Until next time.