How Should Increased Use of Voice Search/Smart Speakers Affect My Digital Marketing?
As companies compete for the top spot in an ever-changing virtual landscape, optimizing their digital marketing is becoming trickier than ever due to sophisticated platforms and constantly evolving SEO algorithms. Furthermore, platforms that use voice recognition technology such as Siri and Cortana are becoming relied on more often by most people, which presents interesting challenges when it comes to marketing and staying ahead of the curve. For example, if a business owner fails to use effective conversational phrases when tailoring their digital marketing, their company will become lost within a vast sea of voice search results.
What strategies can I use to ensure my business appears at the top of voice search results? Follow these tips:
- Use long-tail keywords. Being as specific as possible with your phrasing is vital because they work to set you ahead of the competition. For example, a snippet that includes the words “best flowering plants for shady yards” is more powerful than the single word “plants” when volleying for the top spot in search results and attracting serious prospects. Long-tail keywords do an incredible job of increasing conversion rates because of the caliber of visitors being directed to a company’s webpage.
- Begin your phrase with 5W1H. People begin voice searches with who, what, where, why, when, and how, so it is beneficial to use one of these words to start your phrase. An example of this is, “What are the best flowering plants for shady yards?”
- Keep a conversational tone. People speak to virtual voice assistants as though they are talking to a flesh and blood person. By taking advantage of artificial technology’s natural language processing (NLP) abilities, your digital marketing phrase will strengthen exponentially and cause your business to appear at the top of voice search results.
As most everyone is using smart phones and virtual assistants to seek knowledge, products, and services, it is undeniable that voice search technology is the way of the future and will become more advanced and sophisticated as time passes. In addition to optimizing your digital marketing, ensure your website is fast, mobile-friendly, and secure. You should also create specific landing pages to capture more customers that will be easy to convert.
If you’ve been thinking about enhancing your digital marketing by tailoring it to appear in voice search results, Higgins Marketing Group can help. Contact us for a pressure-free chat about the primary elements needed to drive more customers to your website. Not sure yet? Check out our work and let us know when you’re ready.