by Jim Higgins | Nov 22, 2017 | Just for Fun!, Small Business Marketing
Yep… Despite What You’ve Heard, There’s Still Good in this World If you’ll humor me, this week I’d like to step aside from my regular marketing posts. It’s a post I’ve felt “a tug” to write for several months now, but just never seemed to make it happen. I believe...
by Jim Higgins | Dec 18, 2015 | Just for Fun!, Marketing Messaging, Marketing Strategy
Can Donald Trump Teach You Anything About Sales & Marketing? I’ll admit it. More than any primary election that I can recall, I find myself being drawn into the debates, media coverage, and the polls. Why? I wish I could say it’s a strong sense of civic...
by Jim Higgins | Nov 5, 2015 | Just for Fun!
Just For Fun… 8 Funny Marketing Fails! This week, I decided to provide some comedic relief. Like many of you, I come across many funny marketing messages or deliveries that just don’t turn out the way they were likely intended. Many of these crack me up so I...
by Jim Higgins | Apr 30, 2015 | Just for Fun!, Marketing Strategy, Small Business Marketing
What Does Great Marketing Look Like in 2020… 2050 … and BEYOND? These Three Technology Trends Provide a Good Hint for the future of marketing. I did something really refreshing this week – something I know I should do more often (but hardly ever do!). I gave...