Email Marketing Corner – How To Improve Your Subject Lines For Better Engagement
When it comes to email marketing, subject lines are the baited hooks that reel in your audience. To ensure your content gains readership, it’s vital to make the subject lines are interesting and revealing.
The following creative tips will keep your emails from getting skipped over and ignored.
Create Irresistible Subject Lines That’ll Hook Your Audience!
The “WIIFM” Principle – To entice a receiver to open an email, the subject line needs to answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” To accomplish this, your subject line should clearly state how the reader will benefit by opening the email. Make it personal to them and use language that makes them feel like you’re speaking directly to them.
Stay Short & Sweet – Keep your subject line at or under 50 characters to avoid overwhelming for your reader.
Be a Bit Edgy – It’s okay to use emotional triggers that resonate with your audience. Asking direct questions, addressing pain points, or creating urgency are very effective techniques.
Testing… Testing… – A/B test your subject lines to see what works best. The reasoning behind this is because one subject line may perform better than another based on your audience’s demographics, interests, or behavior. Tweaking and adjusting your subject lines to see what works best is a great way to gauge your audience.
Don’t Be “Clickbaity” – Nothing turns off readers more than a misleading subject line, so make sure your subject line is related to your message. If you use clickbait tactics in your email marketing, your audience will believe that your business is an untrustworthy entity that doesn’t deliver on its promise.
Establish a Connection – Befriend your audience by personalizing your subject lines. By using their name, location, or recent activity data within the subject line, your message will be attractive and more relevant to the receiver on a personal level.
Put the Audience in Your Corner by Improving Your Subject Lines!
If your emails aren’t being clicked, refining your subject lines will help resolve this problem.
By following the techniques described above, your improved subject lines will lead to the audience viewing your business as a trustworthy problem solver; a friend that understands them and their needs. This is the reason why it’s so important to create concise subject lines that are direct and engaging. If you fail to accomplish this, your email campaigns will be unsuccessful, and your conversion rate will continue to decline.
In conclusion, these simple email marketing tips will put you on the right track to creating subject lines that increase reader engagement. It’s amazing what a little creativity can do to enhance your business!
If you want to create subject lines that result in your email campaigns gaining more views, Higgins Marketing Group can help. Contact us for a pressure-free chat about how we can design click worthy subject lines tailored to your business that will drastically increase your conversion rate!